The following table describes the Titles and/or Columns in the match results output. Following the table is an example of the full match results.
Example of the Shortened Version of the Match Results:
Title or Column
The League Name and Day of the Week the League plays on
Note: Somethimes this will be denoted with a "A-FLIGHT" or "B-FLIGHT", etc.
Which Match this report was generated for. Can be matches #1 thru #17
Date when this match was originally scheduled.
Sometimes can be a week or so off if the league experienced a rain-out or cancelation of a match, etc. NAME
Name of the "Regular League Golfer"
Address of the "Regular League Golfer"
Phone number of the "Regular League Golfer"
Team Number and TAG of the "Regular League Golfer".
The first listed player of the Team is the A player while the second listed player of the team is the B player.
Generally, the lower handicapped player, at league setup time, is given the "A" player slot.ACT
The "Actual Golfer" who played this match.
Blank means the "Regular League Golfer" played. Any other value is the TAG of the golfer who Actually played that match.
For example, if the "Regular League Golfers" partner doubled, the partners TAG would appear here.
If the "Regular League Golfer" had a substiture play, the Substitutes TAG (i.e. S1) would appear here.OPP
Team Number and TAG of the opponent for the golfer who actually played the match
Actual Month this match was played
Actual Day this match was played
The golfers gross score for this match. This is for the golfer who actually played the match.
The golfers handicap used for this match. This is for the golfer who actually played the match.
The golfers actual net score for this match. This is for the golfer who actually played the match.
Note: If a score appears here with a "P" (i.e. P29). This means that match was a "partial" match (i.e. less than 9 holes played). Partial match score do not count towards handicap ratings and are not elligible for weekly prizes.SC
Golfers Stroke Control score for this match. This is for the golfer who actually played the match.
This is the score used for golfer handicapping purposes.
It is a gross score taking into account the "Max strokes Per Hole" allowed per
hole based on handicap and the par rating of a given hole. PRZ
The golfer who wins the weekly prize for the match, denoted with a "*".
Low net score of the 4 golfers in the match wins the prize.
Ties go to the lower handicap golfer.POINTS I
Number of points won by the golfer who played the match.
4 points total: 2 for low net score and 2 for match playPOINTS T
Number of points won by the team.
2 points max for low team net scoreNEW OPP
Team Number and TAG of the "Regular League Golfers" opponent for next weeks match
Note: Always best to check the official league schedule for determining next opponents.
Total points won by the "Regular League Golfer" for this half of the season.
For week 17, TOTAL I will be total points won for the season.
Note: If a sub plays or a partner doubles, those points will not be included here.TOTAL T
Total points won by the team for this half of the season.
For week 17, TOTAL T will be total points won for the entire season.
This is total points for the team no matter who actually played. RNK
Ranking of the team for this half of the season based on total team points (TOTAL T).
For week 17, RNK will be the teams final ranking for the season.L4N
The "Regular League Golfers" Low Four Net scores for this half of the season.
For week 17, L4N will be the "Regular League Golfers" Low Four Net scores for the season.
Example of Full Match Results:
| FLIGHT: Naperbrook Thursday | MATCH NUMBER: 1 | DATE: 4/22/21 |
| | | | | | | DATE | | | | | | POINTS| | TOTAL | | |
| NAME | ADDRESS | PHONE |TAG|ACT|OPP|-------| GR|HCP|NET| SC|PRZ|-------|NEW|-------|RNK|L4N|
| | | | | | |MTH|DAY| | | | | | I | T |OPP| I | T | | |
|John Monaghan |IH 4L-428 |630-979-7984| 1A| | 2B| 4| 22| 52| 10| 42| 51| | 0| | 3B| 0| | | |
|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 0|-------| 3| 4|---|
|Dale Schmitz |IH 2D-318 |630-979-7883| 1B| | 2A| 4| 22| 49| 9| 40| 49| | 3| | 3A| 3| | | |
|Mark Zolp |HOME |630-649-8464| 2A| | 1B| 4| 22| 41| 1| 40| 41| | 1| | 5A| 1| | | |
|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 2|-------| 7| 2|---|
|Mark Bergren |IH 9F-345 |630-531-7233| 2B| | 1A| 4| 22| 48| 10| 38| 48| *| 4| | 5B| 4| | | |
|Neil Yates |HOME |630-904-1210| 3A| | 4A| 4| 22| 47| 6| 41| 47| | 4| | 1B| 4| | | |
|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 2|-------| 8| 1|---|
|Marc Braun |IH 9H-333 |630-979-3528| 3B| | 4B| 4| 22| 50| 8| 42| 50| | 2| | 1A| 2| | | |
|Tom Jennrich |IH 9H-541 |630-224-6025| 4A| | 3A| 4| 22| 52| 8| 44| 50| | 0| | 6A| 0| | | |
|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 0|-------| 2| 6|---|
|Brian Gough |HOME |630-713-5327| 4B| | 3B| 4| 22| 50| 10| 40| 50| *| 2| | 6B| 2| | | |
|Andy Mast |FWC 9D-434|630-979-2178| 5A| | 6B| 4| 22| 50| 13| 37| 50| | 3| | 2A| 3| | | |
|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 0|-------| 3| 5|---|
|Gene Walli |IH 9E-142 |630-460-1351| 5B| | 6A| 4| 22| 65| 15| 50| 61| | 0| | 2B| 0| | | |
|Andy Super |HOME |630-904-6532| 6A| S1| 5B| 4| 22| 53| 19| 34| 53| *| 4| | 4A| 0| | | |
|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 2|-------| 7| 3|---|
|Donald Schumann |HOME |630-631-7200| 6B| | 5A| 4| 22| 53| 13| 40| 50| | 1| | 4B| 1| | | |
|Mark Bergren |IH 9F-345 |630-531-7233| IHMGC PRESIDENT | Generated: Oct 28 2021 at 10:04 |
|Mark Bergren |IH 9F-345 |630-531-7233| IHMGC TREASURER | |
|Mark Bergren |IH 9F-345 |630-531-7233| SUB SECRETARY | |
|Mark Bergren |IH 9F-345 |630-531-7233| FLIGHT SECRETARY | |
|Manoj Mahapatra |IH 2E-301 |630-224-2927| SUBSTITUTE 1 | |
| FLIGHT: Naperbrook Thursday | MATCH NUMBER: 1 | DATE: 4/22/21 |
| | | | | | | | | | POINTS| | TOTAL | |
| NAME |TAG|ACT|OPP| GR|HCP|NET| SC|PRZ|-------|NEW|-------|RNK|
| | | | | | | | | | I | T |OPP| I | T | |
|John Monaghan | 1A| | 2B| 52| 10| 42| 51| | 0| | 3B| 0| | |
|-------------------------------------------------------| 0|-------| 3| 4|
|Dale Schmitz | 1B| | 2A| 49| 9| 40| 49| | 3| | 3A| 3| | |
|Mark Zolp | 2A| | 1B| 41| 1| 40| 41| | 1| | 5A| 1| | |
|-------------------------------------------------------| 2|-------| 7| 2|
|Mark Bergren | 2B| | 1A| 48| 10| 38| 48| *| 4| | 5B| 4| | |
|Neil Yates | 3A| | 4A| 47| 6| 41| 47| | 4| | 1B| 4| | |
|-------------------------------------------------------| 2|-------| 8| 1|
|Marc Braun | 3B| | 4B| 50| 8| 42| 50| | 2| | 1A| 2| | |
|Tom Jennrich | 4A| | 3A| 52| 8| 44| 50| | 0| | 6A| 0| | |
|-------------------------------------------------------| 0|-------| 2| 6|
|Brian Gough | 4B| | 3B| 50| 10| 40| 50| *| 2| | 6B| 2| | |
|Andy Mast | 5A| | 6B| 50| 13| 37| 50| | 3| | 2A| 3| | |
|-------------------------------------------------------| 0|-------| 3| 5|
|Gene Walli | 5B| | 6A| 65| 15| 50| 61| | 0| | 2B| 0| | |
|Andy Super | 6A| S1| 5B| 53| 19| 34| 53| *| 4| | 4A| 0| | |
|-------------------------------------------------------| 2|-------| 7| 3|
|Donald Schumann | 6B| | 5A| 53| 13| 40| 50| | 1| | 4B| 1| | |
|Mark Bergren | IHMGC PRESIDENT |Generated: Oct 28 2021 at 10:04 |
|Mark Bergren | IHMGC TREASURER | |
|Mark Bergren | SUB SECRETARY | |
|Mark Bergren | FLIGHT SECRETARY | |
|Manoj Mahapatra | SUBSTITUTE 1 | |
Last Updated: 10/28/2021