The IHMGC Registration Site

This registration form is used to register both as a regular league player and/or as a substitute player. Please fill in as much information as possible so we can accommodate your preferences to the best of our ability. Playing in multiple leagues requires multiple (primary preference) registrations.

Please Read! Since we anticipate consolidating leagues, moving courses, eliminating leagues, and/or changing nights, we need to know your first, second, and third course/night preference. Include additional preferences and restrictions in the comments section at the bottom of the form: 1) nights you can or can not play, 2) courses you will or will not play, 3) partners you prefer or loathe (keep it civil or send e-mail), 4) etc. Being flexible will give us additional options as we try to match up everyone's preferences. If you already have a partner, please discuss with them prior to registering so you both are in sync.

Finally, if you know of other golfers, please let them know about the IHMGC and pass the sign up/registration information along to them. We are always looking for new golfers to join the fun.


Enter your "golfer ID (Typically your HRID)":
Location/Room: Phone:
Email address:
If you have a partner, enter their name:

Please chose which you want to register for (primary preference):

      Substitute Only
      Tuesday    Springbrook (4:38)
      Tuesday    St. Andrews (4:30)
      Thursday   Naperbrook  (3:58)
      Friday     St. Andrews (3:53)

Thanks. Just in case we can not accommodate the above choice, include a second and third league preference. If you chose "Substitute Only", you should not pick a 2nd or 3rd preference, for they will be ignored. You will need to pick the day of the week you are willing to substitute on under SUBSTITUTE Information below.
Enter your 2nd preference:
Enter your 3rd preference:

SUBSTITUTE Information:
If you did not pick "Substitute Only" above, are you also interested in being a substitute: Yes No

If you signed up as a "Substitute Only" or answered yes to being a substitute, Chose the days of the week you are willing to substitute on;
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
We don't advertise course preference, just the days you are willing substitute on, its your choice to accept or refuse the offer.


Release Statement:
In consideration of my being permitted to participate in the above mentioned activity, I, for myself, my heirs, legal representatives, and assigns, do hereby release said activity, and Nokia and the IHMGC, its organizers, sponsors, members, and participants, from all suits, claims or demands of any kind, which may result from my death, injury, loss or damage of any kind, occasioned by my participation in said activity. This release in no way affects any rights I may have under any applicable Nokia Pension or Benefit Plan. It is my further understanding that the arrangements for such activity are solely the undertaking of the participants and not Nokia. I hereby warrant that I am of full age and free to give this release which I have read and understand.

To officially register, hit the SUBMIT buttom. By hitting the submit button, you agree to the terms and conditions stated above under Release Statement.
To clear the form (clear all answers), hit the RESET button.

Return to the IHMGC Web Page.

Last Updated: 03/09/17
Comments: mhb